David Makes Man 1x01 - David's Sky - Recenserie - Solo Recensioni Serie
() “Well, where I’m from…I’m from the Vil. I come from the ‘hood…The gutter! A couple of people who know how I work. Oh, oh, oh. That’s funny to you? And I know y’all see me as a clown, but my grandfather…My grandfather. My granddaddy had to run out of Alabama for…for smashin’ a white dude in the head with a bottle, for spittin’ on him. You see, he didn’t play that. Nei… neither… neither do I. Stupid. I come from Growers.” Cos’è OWN? Si tratta dell’acronimo di Oprah Winfrey Network, canale televisivo che ha debuttato nel gennaio 2011 e
Aldo Longhena