“Well, I did take note that, uh, she exhibited delusions of grandeur and was given to the telling of fantastic tales, which had little or no basis in fact. We call this, uh, delirium’s dementia, which is common in hysterics. Much of her, um, abnormal behavior has to do with, uh, her mania for sex. Um, even, um, at 14. Even as young as 11 years old, as her father and others have testified.
The Electra Complex is a young girl’s psycho-sexual competition with her mother, or in this case, stepmother, to become the dominant female. In Tamar’s fantasy life, she supplants the mother. We’ve seen how Tamar is obsessed with her father. And he is an impressive man, after all. But in her poor, deluded mind, the things that she dreamed and desired became real. Tamar even claimed that Dr. Hodel was the Black Dahlia Killer.”
Matador 1×04 | 1.0 milioni – 0.2 rating |
Aloha 1×05 | 1.1 milioni – 0.2 rating |
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Venera due antiche divinità: Sergio Leone e Gian Maria Volontè.
Lostiano intransigente, zerocalcariano, il suo spirito guida è un mix tra Alessandro Barbero e Franco Battiato.