È risaputo che scrivere un finale non è mai facile. Ci sono serie televisive che possono vantare episodi…
Continua“Welcome back. As you are clearly aware, this entertainment is called ‘Dispatches from Elsewhere’, a title whose relevance…
Continua“Lee is you if you finally have the chance to make amends, to put things right. Only now,…
Continua“Ah, the point of no return. That crucial moment in which it becomes all too clear that the…
Continua“Our heroes. A motley crew of intrepid travelers creeping into pyramids by torchlight. Imagine, for a moment, tha…
Continua“My name is Clara, and I am you. If you found your way here, it must mean we…
Continua“Ah, Fredwynn… look at the determination, the drive to power. Self-will run riot. Let’s think of Fredwynn as…
Continua“Well, dear Viewer, our entertainment has something for everyone, I assure you. So, perhaps the time has come…
Continua“As you know, this entertainment is called “Dispatches from Elsewhere” a title that I assure you will have…