“What Gotham needs it’s a law man now, not a criminal like me.” Quando abbiamo sentito quel…
Continua“Ok, doke, nobody, no crime. Nobody, no crime.” Arrivati alla penultima puntata, arrancando nella visione di un prodotto…
Continua“I can start a war or end one. I can give you the strength of heroes or leave…
Continua“I’m gonna find The Ogre and I’m gonna put him behind bars. And when I’ve done that, I’m…
Continua“You tell yourself: <I’ll just do this one bad thing. All the good things I’ll do later I’ll…
ContinuaR: “If there was another way…” A: “Oh, but come on, there’s always another way, mate” Ci sono…
Continua“There are plenty of things in this world that can’t be explained by rational science.” Come si diceva…
Continua“Every man and woman on the planet. We’re all standing at the edge of the abyss paralyzed by…
Continua“I’m afraid every day” Curioso come le parole siano come le monete: dalla doppia faccia e dal…
Continua“Now will arrest this man. Can you help me or stop me but either way I will do…
Continua“Next man who tries to take away my shield… one way or another, I’m gonna make him eat…
Continua“Another day, another dollar.” La pausa natalizia è finita, i panettoni anche (o forse c’è chi, come me,…
Continua“H: All right. You’re pretty handy for a valet. A: Butler, mate. I’m the butler.” I mid-season…
Continua“Out there on the road, not enough to be strong. You have to be bad. You have to…
Continua“A mask hides the face, but frees the soul. A mask speaks the truth.” Quando si raggiunge l’apice,…